etc.venues is a successful venue renting business in the UK and now expanding in the USA. Its core competencies include great location, people and personable relationships with customers at various stages of the business from nurturing to sales and post-event experience.
etc.venues is a top provider of modern conference and event spaces across the UK and US. Since 1992, they’ve earned a reputation for stylish, flexible venues in convenient city-center locations, equipped with cutting-edge technology and exceptional service.​​​​​​​
With over 20 venues, they cater to businesses, providing adaptable spaces for conferences, meetings, and training sessions, all with a strong focus on quality and client satisfaction.
My Role
My role in designing etc.venues involved conducting research, creating personas, mapping user flows, designing wireframes and visuals, developing prototypes, and performing audits.
etc.venues must maintain their core strengths of personal touch and exceptional customer service while transitioning to digital channels to enhance employee productivity and optimize touchpoints throughout the customer journey.
➜   Outdated user interface
➜   There are multiple marketing sites for every location and too much effort to maintain and update
➜  The language is confusing and a lot of jargon used
➜   Not focused on call to action (CTA)
➜  Too much information on page
➜. Disconnect booking journey experience
The Goal
Customers now expect digital touchpoints, influenced by the seamless experiences offered by Uber, Amazon, and other platforms in their personal and professional lives.
➜   Future growth and sustainability hinge on prime locations, talented people, and a seamless customer journey through digital channels.
➜   Expand the business while minimizing payroll costs.
➜   Grow in the U.S. with minimal reliance on tech scale.
➜   Boost business valuation through tangible EBITDA and revenue improvements.
➜   Mitigate the threat of emerging startups and aggregators in our sector.
➜   Develop a potential new business model in the next 3-5 years to introduce affiliate and licensing revenue streams.
User Flow
Look & Feel
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